Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Autumn: the way I see it

Looking into the back yard
Front side yard

Back side yard
Looking out the front window

While I know that Winter follows Autumn,
having lived many years
without an obvious changing of the seasons

I have come to appreciate the way nature
celebrates the passage of time.

P.S. I saw a bald eagle while I was riding my bike
in Provo Canyon yesterday
I love where we live!


Amy said...

I love it. We sure live in a beautiful part of the country.

Anonymous said...

Georgeous! Sadly, no brown, yellow, red or orange leaves here. But, the weather is staying nice and I can enjoy with your pictures.

allegra said...

so pretty! jealous. no leaves like that in arizona:) but i'll take the warm winters here anyday!

you look so good karen...i like your nerd costumes, but your hubby looks more nerdy than you in his costume. you just look adorable 80's! haha