Friday, March 27, 2009

Flash Back Friday: Peanut Butter

I remember one day deciding that I wanted to make peanut butter.
I don't know how old I was... maybe 8 or 9.

Kind of random since I was not a huge fan of peanut butter
- except with chocolate - actually I like just about anything with chocolate...

ANYWAY - it didn't seem too hard, peanuts and butter,
just needed something to smash the peanuts and butter together.

Hmmmm.... maybe the blender would work...

I remember asking my mom about it and she said she didn't think that's how it was made.

Then next part is kind of fuzzy.
I don't know if my mom told me not to do it
or if she just left the room....

I just remember putting peanuts and a spoonful of butter into the blender and turning it on.
I don't remember my mom being there.

(While I was not a disobedient child,
I guess I was a little
uh hem determined sometimes)
I guess I still am....

Any way, I didn't really understand about scraping down the
sides of the blender and being patient while
the blender chopped up the peanuts.

I also think that the butter stuck the peanuts to the sides of the blender
so the peanuts didn't get chopped up.
Needless to say my "peanut butter" experiment didn't go too well.

It's kind of funny that it was such a simple thing yet I still remember it.

Yesterday I came across this on Make and Takes
Instructions for making your own peanut butter!
I happened to be roasting some almonds
and made almond butter instead!
It was really good -
and my attempt so many years ago was not too far off...

Somehow taking little tastes of my almond butter
is very satisfying to me.
(I may be determined but I'm easy to please)


Kami Su said...

That actually sounds delicious, I have to try it. That is a cute story, and good to know you were creative even back then.

And I still need to rack your brain with hair cutting tips, I was surprised to find out you have done it too, what a great job.

Anonymous said...

Maybe I should be a contributor to this blog? I should do a "flashback" of cooking chocolate chips over the lamp in the closet. Then wondering why it melted the shade...hhmmmm. Maybe you missed your true calling and should be a chef?? You could always go back to school, lol!


Karen said...

A melted shade? I don't remember that. Honestly I feel a little guilty about stuff like that. I had my start at being a literal "closet" eater at a very young age and contributed to my sisters doing the same thing. Because of that Weight Watchers stays in business. Sorry. While I do like to cook and try new things with my cooking I don't like it THAT much.

Linda M said...

I remeber trying to make peanut butter cups on the lamp. We did melt the lamp shade. We used the lamp and a play metal pie plate and put them in cup cake papers....

Amy said...

This is a funny story, Mom.

The Norris Family said...

how cute! almond butter sounds good! whats the recipe??