I guess it would only help me if I also knew how to apparate.
So am I... actually all of the Zimbelman's in Provo are excited.
We check our phones for texts... ask how everyone is feeling...
(Jordan is feeling as well as can be expected)
but I feel torn.
I too have one week left until I fly out there.
10 days there and then home.
Not enough time there. A long time to be away from home.
Not enough time to snuggle a sweet newborn and play with Ruby.
A long time to be away from my best friend.
Not enough time to help my daughter recover and adjust to two little ones.
A long time to be away from my own baby and her busy and stressful life.
Mark and Jennifer will join me for the weekend, after a week.
Then three will go home and four will remain.
And a little bit of my heart will remain there too.
I'm glad Lynn will be coming soon after I leave.
I know Amy will be in good hands.
All will be well... but I will miss them even more
because there will be more to miss.
I'm assuming someone will get back to me about apparating....
'cause then I wouldn't need a time turner...