One spoke out, “My dad is bigger than your dad,” to which another replied, “Well, my dad is smarter than your dad.” The third boy countered, “My dad is a doctor.” Then, turning to one boy, he taunted in derision, “And your dad is only a teacher.” There is one teacher whose life overshadows all others. When the boy heard the taunts: “My dad is bigger than yours,” “My dad is smarter than yours,” “My dad is a doctor,” well could he have replied, “Your dad may be bigger than mine; your dad may be smarter than mine; your dad may be a pilot, an engineer, or a doctor; but my dad is a teacher.” May each of us ever merit such a sincere and worthy compliment!
Thomas S. Monson
I am blessed to be surrounded by wonderful dads who are also teachers. My own dad taught me joy in service, love of the Lord, and tenderheartedness. The father of my children has taught me and them much about integrity, humility and priorities.