Dear Family,
Thank you all once again for everything that you do for me! I'm constantly reminded of your support for me. I see so many poorly structured families and people that would die to have the wonderful family that I have! Thanks for everything!
It is good to hear that everyone is doing well and that you are all anxiously engaged in your; work, studies and lives! I'm so proud of all of you and am ever thankful for your examples! I love you all so much!
This week we saw little progress with our investigators. Actually we have decided to cut a few of them and start the search for new families that are more interested. For this we are needing your prayers! We need to find new investigators. Actually, we have about 12 referrals from the English classes that we haven't contacted yet that we will go after this week. We're hoping that we can refill the machine and see what comes out of it.
But, one cool experience happened this Sunday! After church we went to Gianine's house and shared a message with her about service. Then we were talking with her about church; if she liked it, had any question etc. She said that it seemed that the talks were directed right for her. I was also able to remember my conversion story that I shared with her. It was really cool the way the spirit talks to us.
I'm not sure if I have shared my conversion story with you all yet so maybe it can help someone.
Well, for a long time in my life I didn't want to hear anything about the church. I was rebellious and very much involved in the things of the world. When a certain experience left me far from a few of my friends. I realized that the happiness that I had was very momentary and I didn't have reassurance of anything. I realized that there was something missing in my life. It was God.
I started praying again. Those were a few of the first times in my life that I really pored my soul out to God and felt that he was listening. Many times in my life I have had spiritual experiences. But, a firm and constant testimony I didn't have. When I started to pray again, my testimony began to grow. I started going to church again. I'm not sure exactly when it was that I knew I had to serve a mission. But, it was when I was praying very fervently that I had the impression and it started to grow within me.
Well, I decided to enroll at UVSC. I started to have a determination to finish my car that I had been working on. I ask Marty for a job at Cosmic and everything started to enter into place! That was when I started wondering if I really should go on a mission. I started thinking that life didn't need to change, that I was good where I was. I was wrong.
One sacrament meeting that I will never for get. It was a fast an testimony meeting. Val Gregory went to the podium and I felt that he was talking just to me! He said that his life wasn't a sea of roses. He didn't have a life without difficulties. BUT, the life that he had, he had the Lord's guaranty! He had made his decisions with the Lord and knew that the Lord was obligated to bless him.
It was that moment that I knew I would serve a mission. All the blessings I have received ever since have been by the hand of the Lord and I know that I am in the right place! God knows everyone of us and we can all be instruments in God's hands! Just like Val was in my life at that moment.
I went in for my interview with President Wilson with reluctance. It had been some time that I had talked to my father who was my bishop at the time. I felt the sorrow of sin in my heart that almost covered the joy of my decision to serve a mission. We had a good conversation and I told him that I wanted to serve a mission.
When I got home I can still remember the exact moment! I entered in the house. Mom was all alone at the computer. I walked in not knowing if I should cry or jump for joy. I looked at her and at first she didn't pay much attention. When she saw the struggle within me of what my reaction should be she looked at me. Puzzled she said, "what is it?" When I said that I was going to serve a mission I don't know who's head touched the ceiling first. She gave me a great big hug as the joy of repentance settled in my heart and I began to cry.
I could feel the Love of the Father of the prodigal son greeting his repented son.
I made the decision with the Lord and am forever grateful for my family, my friends, and the Savior that I am where I am! My family never lost hope in me and my Savior did everything that was necessary to make repentance possible.
I thank you every moment that I am alive!
I challenge you all to make this possible to those around you! Let the Lord make you who he wants you to be!
I wasn't "brainwashed," I know that what I know is true because I proved God! I asked him and he told me!
I love you all! Until next week and thank you for your letters!
Elder Zimbelman