Hey everyone!
Well a story from last week that I really wanted to tell, but i didnt have time. Last week, we went and visited Gloria with a member named Adrian.It was amazing. Gloria has been taking the lessons for almost a year, and she has made a lot of progress in that time. My companion has been here for 7 months and has been working with her all that time. When he got here she couldn't understand the Book of Mormon and wasn't really receptive. She was going to kick the Elders out, but had a dream that the Elders were at her door, and someone, who she couldnt see, but could hear, said "Sister, listen to these guys, somthing amazing is going to happen". So she let them keep on coming back. Since then she has read all of the Book of Mormon, she had finished it the last week. Adrian went with us to visit her and she was really shut down to baptism. As we talked with her, she said she knows it is true, and that Joseph Smith was a prophet, but she felt that her baptism as a child in the catholic church was still valid, "one faith one lord one baptism" was what she said. She feels like all baptisms were the same. We talked to her about authority, Moroni 7: 7-10 where it talks about child baptism, and all sorts of things, but it just didnt seem to get through that her baptism wasn't valid. We had talked with her about it a million times before.. and so when Adrian heard her reaction about baptism, I think it got him going. We had a lesson where the spirit was amazingly strong, and we went thorough and got rid of all of her doubts, and by the end she accepted that her baptism was invalid, and that the church was true, and everything she needs! Ahhh but she is still scared, because she has been catholic all her life, and all her family is catholic, and she doesnt want to change religions, unless she is absoluetly sure. She just wants something that she understands as an answer that this is definitely where she needs to be. We shared Alma 32 the last time, and we are working with her, we are hoping that it will be this saturday, and praying, we will see.
The thing I wanted to share from that experience, was at one point, gloria was talking about how she has had some really hard things in her life, and she has a really hard time forgiving people. She doesn't want to have that in her heart when she gets baptized. When she was talking about that, I remembered an experience I had with dad and Rob, that illustrated the power of the atonement and forgiveness amazingly in my life and I knew I had to share it with her, and I want to share it with you guys now. I am sure you all remember that I hit a tree with Robs car while he was on his mission .. something i will always regret, and will be something I can't forget. So bueno, Robbie returned from his mission, and with the amazing heart that he has, forgave me, and did all that he could to forgive me completely, but every time he drove, and something squeaked or soemthing went wrong with the car, it was because I messed up his car. There was no way he could just forget, and so I was in a position where there was no way way I could pay the debt, and erase my sin. I was stuck and it was ruining our relationship. We both were unhappy, and without a solution. So one day, dad, stepped in, after seeing the deepening hole in our friendship, and sat us both down, and asked Rob, what would make this go away so we never have to remember. After some thinking and talking, we came to the conclusion that if we helped Rob get a different car, then he would be able to move on. We could go on working on our friendship, and I could be eleviated from my guilt. There was no way I could pay the money necessary to help Rob buy a new car, so dad offered to help. He asked me how much I could pay and offered to make up the difference. In this Rob and I were both freed from our burdens. Every time I tell this story I tear up, because I think of my tiny little mortal situation here with a car and a debt I owed, and the guilt and shame i felt from that. And then the joy and peace, and gratefulness I felt to dad, when i was freed from my burden. When I think of all of our situations with our sins, somehting we could never pay on our own, but the Savior stepped in and offered to pay the price, at great cost to himself. I am amazed at the amazing unimaginable gift of the atonement, and I am especially greatful for the wonderful father I have. While he is not perfect, he knows how to show his son, what the savior would do, if we were in his shoes. Words can not express my love and gratitude for my earthy family, and most definitely not for our brother Jesus Christ, who has done so much, and asks so little.
I am so greatful for each of you, and your examples to me. I know our family is not perfect, and there is no reason in particular I am saying this, but I really feel, that at times our family needs to look at one another, in the way Christ would see them, and not as the world, or Satan would have us see. I love each and every one of you with all my heart. I know with all my heart that Jesus is the Christ, and only through him, and his church can we be saved. I am so greatful to share that with the people here, at times my language is a barrier, but I know that if I try my hardest the Lord will make up the difference, that I can not. Love you all.
Gonzalo is still doing well, we also had a lesson with his father Filipe, and set a baptismal date. Christina had to cancel our appointment, and so we haven't had a lesson with her. We had a lesson with Martin, but he was really upset about his kids being loud and not being able to talk to us with his full attention. I am still not sure how that lesson went, I think it will be good, and we will be going back asap. This week we found a lady named Maria, who I really feel has some sincere desires, hopefully we can do all we can to be the instruments in the Lords hands to help her into the path.
Family I am doing great, my health is great, if you could please pray for me, and specifically pray that i will have the courage, and clear mind to do all I need to to be obedient and diligent, I would love it! Sorry this is soo long, hopefully it is helpful for someone. love you all! pray for all of you every night!
until next week,
Elder Zimbelman