Friday, October 28, 2011

Getting in the mood for Halloween

A little Pinterest love:

 So fun! Now I get in the mood for Halloween after most of my kids are grown and my grandkids live far away...

May just have to make the finger puppets though...

actually this was from

Wednesday, October 26, 2011


Hey guys! 

It has been an interesting week. We seemed to have a really hard time finding anyone at home, or they were always about to leave, or something. Things really have started to slow down. Also this week, we went and visited a family, who live out in the boonies. On our way back, we saw Gonzalo, and he waved us down, and started talking to us. We had left Moroni 8 for him and his father to read, about baptism, and he came up to us, and had understood it soo well! He was like, "Hey, things are going well for me ever since I have been talking to you guys, and I can always feel the spirit when you guys come, then it leaves with you too. So man, I need to get baptized to get the Holy Ghost, huh?" He still has a bit to learn to be ready but it was soo cool! 

Family thank you for your prayers this week. I honestly could feel it strenghtening me. I know the lord loves us, and wants soo bad for us to come back to Him.  I hope that each of us can retain the big picture, and remember that this life is not about work, or school or things like that, but really this life is about learning how to show our Heavenly Father that we are willing to do what it takes to live with Him someday.

Love you all,

Elder Zimbelman

*this is just an excerpt of a much longer letter. If you are interested in reading the letter in it's entirety let me know and I can email it to you.

Tuesday, October 25, 2011


I love the Disney Pixar movie UP
It seems that I'm often easily distracted like the dogs...

Funny thing is I started this post about a year ago...

Thursday, October 20, 2011

If I had money to burn

Or maybe more accurately - if I wasn't so cheap

I'd get these:


to put above my bed once the bedroom is redone.
Wouldn't it look great on a white wall with the other walls Benjamin Moore Wythe blue*?
But I think I'd want it about 30 inches across instead of 20...

and one of these with the initials of my grandchildren
including baby Kate of course.

I'd find a place to put this.

And while I'm dreaming I'll take one of these too:
I'd be OK with either one...

 not sure where I'd put it 
but if I had money to burn I'm sure I could figure something out

...maybe as an entrance to my Kindermusik studio

(yes I would keep teaching and you better believe I would use it!)

Have to get the old cheap copycat brain to work on the first two anyway...

* Benjamin Moore Wythe Blue

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Hey Everyone!

Hey everyone!

Well a story from last week that I really wanted to tell, but i didnt have time. Last week, we went and visited Gloria with a member named Adrian.It was amazing. Gloria has been taking the lessons for almost a year, and she has made a lot of progress in that time. My companion  has been here for 7 months and has been working with her all that time. When he got here she couldn't understand the Book of Mormon and wasn't really receptive. She was going to kick the Elders out, but had a dream that the Elders were at her door, and someone, who she couldnt see, but could hear, said "Sister, listen to these guys, somthing amazing is going to happen". So she let them keep on coming back. Since then she has read all of the Book of Mormon, she had finished it the last week. Adrian went with us to visit her and she was really shut down to baptism. As we talked with her, she said she knows it is true, and that Joseph Smith was a prophet, but she felt that her baptism as a child in the catholic church was still valid, "one faith one lord one baptism" was what she said. She feels like all baptisms were the same. We talked to her about authority, Moroni 7: 7-10 where it talks about child baptism, and all sorts of things, but it just didnt seem to get through that her baptism wasn't valid. We had talked with her about it a million times before.. and so when Adrian heard her reaction about baptism, I think it got him going. We had a lesson where the spirit was amazingly strong, and we went thorough and got rid of all of her doubts, and by the end she accepted that her baptism was invalid, and that the church was true, and everything she needs! Ahhh but she is still scared, because she has been catholic all her life, and all her family is catholic, and she doesnt want to change religions, unless she is absoluetly sure. She just wants something that she understands as an answer that this is definitely where she needs to be. We shared Alma 32 the last time, and we are working with her, we are hoping that it will be this saturday, and praying, we will see.

The thing I wanted to share from that experience, was at one point, gloria was talking about how she has had some really hard things in her life, and she has a really hard time forgiving people.  She doesn't want to have that in her heart when she gets baptized. When she was talking about that, I remembered an experience I had with dad and Rob, that illustrated the power of the atonement and forgiveness amazingly in my life and I knew I had to share it with her, and I want to share it with you guys now. I am sure you all remember that I hit a tree with Robs car while he was on his mission .. something i will always regret, and will be something I can't forget. So bueno, Robbie returned from his mission, and with the amazing heart that he has, forgave me, and did all that he could to forgive me completely, but every time he drove, and something squeaked or soemthing went wrong with the car, it was because I messed up his car. There was no way he could just forget, and so I was in a position where there was no way way I could pay the debt, and erase my sin. I was stuck  and it was ruining our relationship. We both were unhappy, and without a solution. So one day, dad, stepped in, after seeing the deepening hole in our friendship, and sat us both down, and asked Rob, what would make this go away so we never have to remember. After some thinking and talking, we came to the conclusion that if we helped Rob get a different car, then he would be able to move on. We could go on working on our friendship, and I could be eleviated from my guilt. There was no way I could pay the money necessary to help  Rob buy a new car, so dad offered to help. He asked me how much I could pay and offered to make up the difference. In this Rob and I were both freed from our burdens. Every time I tell this story I tear up, because I think of my tiny little mortal situation here with a car and a debt I owed, and the guilt and shame i felt from that. And then the joy and peace, and gratefulness I felt to dad, when i was freed from my burden. When I think of all of our situations with our sins, somehting we could never pay on our own, but the Savior stepped in and offered to pay the price, at great cost to himself. I am amazed at the amazing unimaginable gift of the atonement, and I am especially greatful for the wonderful father I have. While he is not perfect, he knows how to show his son, what the savior would do, if we were in his shoes. Words can not express my love and gratitude for my earthy family, and most definitely not for our brother Jesus Christ, who has done so much, and asks so little.

I am so greatful for each of you, and your examples to me. I know our family is not perfect, and there is no reason in particular I am saying this, but I really feel, that at times our family needs to look at one another, in the way Christ would see them, and not as the world, or Satan would have us see. I love each and every one of you with all my heart. I know with all my heart that Jesus is the Christ, and only through him, and his church can we be saved. I am so greatful to share that with the people here, at times my language is a barrier, but I know that if I try my hardest the Lord will make up the difference, that I can not. Love you all.

Gonzalo is still doing well, we also had a lesson with his father Filipe, and set a baptismal date. Christina had to cancel our appointment, and so we haven't had a lesson with her. We had a lesson with Martin, but he was really upset about his kids being loud and not being able to talk to us with his full attention. I am still not sure how that lesson went, I think it will be good, and we will be going back asap. This week we found a lady named Maria, who I really feel has some sincere desires, hopefully we can do all we can to be the instruments in the Lords hands to help her into the path.

Family I am doing great, my health is great, if you could please pray for me, and specifically pray that i will have the courage, and clear mind to do all I need to to be obedient and diligent, I would love it! Sorry this is soo long, hopefully it is helpful for someone. love you all! pray for all of you every night!
until next week,
Elder Zimbelman

Monday, October 17, 2011


crisis contemplations. 

Fall is here in full swing. This past week we exchanged our rainy cold weather for a sunny reprieve. The leaves are dazzling and the sky is so blue. The sun is warm and inviting. But I know that Winter is just around the corner. Sometimes it's hard not to dread winter. I don't hate it but it's probably my least favorite of seasons. Early winter is fine, there is still hope of a few days of reprieve here and there. The first snowfall is still magical to this California girl. But after 12 winters in Utah I know that before long the cold will set in, the streets will be icy and the beautiful white snow will become dirty and hard. So today I have a choice. Will I enjoy every moment that is mine today? Will I sit in the sun and soak up its warmth. Will I allow my dread of winter's frozen months to rob me of joy today?
Winter will come as it always does, but some winters are late, some are mild and sometimes we even get a week or two of warm (for winter) weather causing the snow to recede and my heavy coat to be abandoned in the closet. 
And many winters come early, freeze hard and overstay their welcome. 

This year I will be 48. If I live to be 96 which most people don't, then my life is half over. It's fact. I cannot change where I am right now and I don't know what's in my future. Even though I try to take care of myself, the second half (or third or month or whatever) is an unsure thing - no guarantees. Except that at some point I will die. I will leave this life. Death and taxes... you know. 

This past Saturday my friend and her husband were the first to come upon three teenage girls who had been hit by a train. Two were killed, one is in critical condition. Somehow I don't think that they realized at age 7 or 8 that their life was half over. It was heart rending just reading about it, but I was touched by the reminder that each day is a gift. My thoughts and feelings of late seem so trivial in comparison to what their families are go through.

As I think about getting old I don't look forward to possible health problems that come to most with aging. I'm finally at the point were I need to use glasses to read smaller print and frankly I don't like it. 

Events happen that change or end lives in an instant. With some people their bodies continue on after their minds and ability to function have passed. While we should do all we can to prevent disease and stay healthy, ultimately we are not in control of so very much.

So today I need to make a choice. Do I embrace the gift of this day doing what I can to ensure that tomorrow I will be strong and able to function. I will prepare for tomorrow and next month and decades from now but try not to let dread and worry dampen this moment. This moment is a beautiful one - not perfect... the air is cooler than I'd like, my back and neck are sore this morning, I could use a nap too ... but this moment is all I have. It's what my life is made of. Single moments connected together, always moving forward unretrievable. 

Knowing that my experiences in this life are just part of a bigger whole comforts me and helps me to remember that I have many bright days a head... one way or another.

* pictures taken by Jennifer in American Fork Canyon

Saturday, October 15, 2011

Recent Pins

Looking at my pinterest board I realized that the things I choose to pin say something about me and where I'm at.
Here are a few of my favorites and some feedback on some pins (recipes mostly) I have acted on.


The first two  made me think of Aaron and Celisa. 

The first reminded me of Aaron as a toddler, maybe it's good they get a few more year of parenting experience under their belts before they have a boy... or at least get a few more sets of eyes.

Vegan, sugar free chocolate fudge.  Very easy and very yummy... probably too yummy. Sugar free does not mean low cal... probably will not be making this again very soon but not because it's not a good recipe.  

Monster cupcakes! How totally cute. I bought candy corns to make these I just need someone to give them to... I don't want them around the house. Any takers?

Butternut squash gnocchi with sage and browned butter. I have everything to make this... I was told that a food mill can be used in place of a ricer...maybe this weekend.                    

Roasted broccoli... it seems everything is getting roasted these days. Before you scroll down really fast I have to tell you, it was really good. We ate the first batch (ok it was mostly me but Jenn liked it too) I think Mark ate some too but I don't remember. So I bought the Costco pack of broccoli for my next batch. Turned out great again, even warmed up later... but I must tell you it is possible to eat too much broccoli in one day...

And then I will just leave you with a thought.  Do our actions really show what our highest priorities are?

Friday, October 14, 2011

Grandbaby #4

Celisa at 18 weeks
Is a GIRL!
Katelyn Marie Zimbelman

We are so excited for Aaron, Celisa and Olivia.
Olivia will be a great big sister.

From Aaron and Celisa's blog:

"Today when we were talking about the baby, Olivia put both hands on my belly and said, "Hi Baby Kate!" then she gave baby a love. She is such a sweetheart and will be a great big sis."

Being a grandma is the best...

I can't wait till Aaron graduates (2 more years) and gets a job within driving distance of us.

(That is the plan right?)

Thursday, October 13, 2011

First Date

 Last week Jennifer was asked to homecoming by a very nice young man in band. It was her first date. We bought her a new dress and Cecily came over and did her hair. She looked stunning. I wish the lighting was better (and Amy was closer), these pictures do not do her justice (but they will have to suffice).

They had a very nice dinner with another couple at Joseph's house, went to the dance and then back to Joseph's house for dessert.
I suppose I should say something here about my baby growing up and how I can hardly believe it... while that's true my overriding feelings are ones of awe and pride... the good kind of pride, the kind that you feel when you know that she has made good choices in her life and has such a bright future. When you know that while her dad and I did have some influence on her, as did her siblings, most of all we try to stay out of her way and allow her to shine.

And shine she does.

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

P-Day trip

Hey, we went on a trip to a place called Villa Pehuenia yesterday, and there were some things that went wrong and we got back too late to write yesterday, SORRY! I really feel bad, and there is a lot I want to write about, but I am just gonna give a short report. I just want to make sure you all know im totally fine, I can just imagine that mom was worried when i didnt write yesterday! 

It truly was an awesome little trip. We went with the Cuevas family who are members here in Cutral Co. They are soo helpful and Adrian, the dad, speaks English so that is always nice. The people that went were me and my companion Elder Pack, who i have a couple pictures with, Adrian Cuevas and his family, and an investigator family that will be getting married soon so they can be baptized. it was beautiful day, and something I will never forget!

As far as the real important stuff, our investigators, we are doing well. We havent been able to teach Martin and Vanina for a little while because they went on a trip, and then he had to leave for work. We had an appointment scheduled but they weren't there, so with them we are kind of stagnating. Hopefully this Thursday we will go there and have a great lesson. 

We had an amazing lesson with Gloria and with Adrian (who we went on the trip with) and she is ready for baptism. We are going over there tonight, and we are going to have a great lesson, she has a baptismal date of the 22 of this month. Also this week we found a guy named Gonzalo, who is golden! We taught him, and he really took it well. We asked him how he was feeling, and he talked about feeling warm inside, and how we had 

something special, and so we commited him to baptism, and got him started reading the Book of Mormon. We will be going by there tonight. When we invited him to be baptized, he acepted and said buenisimo! Which is like saying awesome or really good. it was sweet! 

We also had a lesson with another investigator that we hadn't been able to find for a while, and when we finally talked to her again, she is super ready. We are going to visit her tonight, and set a baptismal date with her, her name is Christina. 

So we are finally starting to see some success. I think what has made the difference this week, is that we had a really good district meeting with our zone leaders, and they talked alot about setting baptismal dates, becasue only through baptism can people enter into the straight and narrow path. 

I love each and every one of you, and dang! I want to write a ton, but we need to go and work today! love you all, I will catch you up more next week! The gospel is true, and I am loving sharing it with the people here, we are soo blessed to have everything we have, and it is a shame if we dont try and share it! Love you all, read your scriptures, say your prayers, and everything will work out great! Keep your letters coming, it is a highlight of my week to read about each of them! 

Love you all and until next week. You are all in my prayers, please remember me too! I know you are because I can feel the Lord blessing me from time to time with more than I deserve, so I know it must be because of you guys! Sorry about the lame letter! It won't happen again, if I can do anything about it!

Elder Zimbelman

Monday, October 10, 2011

Meet Nina

This is Nina.
Yes, we took her surfing on her first non Sunday day here

She's from a small village just outside of Meissen, Germany
link here
She is staying with us for two weeks as part of our high school's German exchange program. Christian when to Meissen two years ago last Summer and we hosted Tillman two years ago. Jennifer will go after her senior year.

.... Ok, so we didn't go surfing but we did to the closest thing we have in Provo, the Provo Beach Resort. Unfortunately the surf simulator was not working so the girls settled for a few surfing pictures and resorted to going on the ropes course. The top of it is three stories high. They were a little hesitant at first but quickly become pros.


We all tried our hand at skeeball. 

Some were more.... enthusiastic than others...

We walked around Riverwoods mall as it sprinkled. The lights reflected on the ground made it look magical.... I'll have to see if I can get a picture from Nina. Funny how sometimes it takes visitors to get me out discovering Provo. We are looking forward to a fun visit.