Dear Family,
How good it is to hear from all of you! I am so glad to hear that everyone is doing well. Also, thank you for your prayers for me, my companion and our investigators.
Everything is going just fine here. We have two baptisms planned for this week, Camilla and Lucas; and three more that could be baptized this week!
Camilla and Lucas are doing very well! They have gone to church the last three Sundays and are very intelligent. They have prayed very much about the things that we teach and have testimonies that the Gospel is true! They are very excited about their baptisms, and we are too. We have had a few problems teaching there parents but they are very good people and have given there permission for them to be baptized. We are hoping that we can start to teach them more intensely this week, before the baptism and also after the baptism. Please pray for them; Laus, Simone, Camilla and Lucas.
Taiara is also one of the possibilities. She has been telling us that she wants to be baptized, knows that it is important but it scared. She has followed an evangelical church for a long time with her mom and sister but recently stopped. She knows that our teachings our true. So we marked her baptismal interview with the ZL and it went really well. She picked out her baptismal clothes and everything. Then yesterday we sent Gianine to pass by here house and take here to church and she said that she was the only one home and had to take care of the house (a normal Gaúcho excuse). So we passed by there a little later and here aunt tried to tell us that she didn't want anything more to do with us... Long story short we are going to go back there talk to Taiara today and see if that is really true. Please pray for her!
Kátia is also a baptismal candidate. We have taught her everything but the commandments but she should be fine because she is married to a less-active member. We will teach her the commandments tonight and mark the baptismal date! Pray for her!
There is also a Lucas that has been going to church for about two years and knows a lot. He is very intelligent and hasn't been baptized for no reason at all. Yesterday in Sacrament Meeting I sat by him and talked to him about baptism. I told him that his baptism this Saturday would be awesome! He laughed but I seriously think that he is considering it! We marked a lesson with him on Tuesday. Pray for him!
Also, Zone Conference was a blast! It was really inspired. Now we will all be working like crazy to find some new families. Other than these baptisms that will be our main focus this week. Thanks for all your love and support.
Elder Zimbelman
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